We all go silent
Did this happen
Who all befriend the poor
What about us
One Body
9th January
Don’t let the light go out
How to bring Joy
Cost of moving
Water, Wifi and Fire
Do we see what they did there
Hospice or Renewal #Discussion
err, what happened
No power
James V
Is this ‘The Way’
James 3
James II
James in a month – Chapter 1
Relevancy of the Church today
Where do we find ourselves
Salt for the chips, not for the slugs
Ebb and Flow
A step further
Sibling Rivalry
A New Start
The beginning of the beginnings
There was this visitor
Be a good sheep
Where they are
Something bigger than us
The river flows onwards
Counter Cultural
Which one sounds like the God you may know?
How much are they worth?
Should the Church follow Anonymous?
Flipping Conflict
Evacuation Plan
Church is archaic
Walk the walk as well as talk the talk
Privatised faith isn’t publicly owned
Stand up for me against world opinion
Truth Be Told
Pentecost : Who is in?
When death is merely a comma
On a road to nowhere
A two-way swing bridge
Beyond the Cremation?
What did we see?
Why do that?
A life size Cow
Light the world
Organ Renewed
Death Cafe 10 Jan 23
Where do we start?
Is Jesus anti-growth?
Back to the Future
So what about death?
You’ll get over this
Who will they sit with
Harvest Festival in 2022
Who wants membership today?
Purl in the Field – Summer Edition
Slave : good or bad?
Crazy Covenant
Carrying huge loads
Silencing Us
Being Enough
On Receive
Do you know a hairy man?
Listen to what?
The smelly Shepherds?
Blue Angels
Advent Sunday
TDOR 2021
Fine robes
Too much inconvenience!
Are we close or there yet?
Camels or Elephants?
I could have licked the plate!
Freedom Day
Anyone for sausage?
What a community!
Can we look forward to more one-to-one contact?
When is a Third Place a winner?
Administration…Liquidation…what’s next for the church?
Do we need a building anymore?
What retail outlets could offer to church
Where to go? Walk on by?
Going on Holiday?
Easter 2019 : In or Out of the Church?
Ashing to Go?
Fasting: from what?
For some, as we approach the period of Lent, people can decide to fast, to abstain from food and/or drink – but why?
I want Lent .. to affect not only the next 40 days
but also the next 40 years
Rachel Held-Evans
In my younger days (!) I have given up chocolate, sweets and/or alcohol. But now I look back and wonder to what benefit, and to whom? Therefore, in our second meeting of the Faith group, where we … Read the remainder
Where do we fit?
Faith frozen
Todmorden Faith : Same Sex Marriage
It has been a week or so since the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). It was a surreal moment – not really because it was bizarre but due to the beauty and serenity of the service.
We drew the words used for the service from Susan Gilchrist’s wonderful post on the Corrymeela website . We used the 2017 version but we adapted it to help with the expected congregation. We had spoken with some people from the LGBTQIA community: some … Read the remainder