The Treasure within
Response about Paradise
When does this journey end
Evacuation Plan
Slave : good or bad?
Saying it as it is
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2020
God, of all faiths?
Where is God to us, today?
So where is God?”
The people quietly averted their gaze and you could see their finger pointing upwards – as it was obvious.
Their finger retracted, their view remained averted.
Why can we struggle with the question “Where is God?”. We can theologise, use grand theological explanations which are beautiful, poetic, but may not really get that meaning across to others.
Yes, originally, God was perceived in reside in Heaven, above the dome. God was attended to … Read the remainder
What Christmas are you looking for this year?
Administration…Liquidation…what’s next for the church?
At the margins
CND – 4 August 2019
Do we need a building anymore?
What retail outlets could offer to church
Where to go? Walk on by?
Where next?
Analysing John’s Gospel
Going on Holiday?
Easter 2019 : In or Out of the Church?
Ashing to Go?
Where do we fit?
Todmorden Faith : Same Sex Marriage
Death Café
Can we analyse the Bible?
I was taken by one data scientist who wanted to textually analyse the New Testament using software. What could they reveal from merely using some statistics to count the frequency of the words used in each book? Surely they would need to know more about the authorship as we, or rather scholars, have discerned?
We are informed that a number of the New Testament books may have been written pseudographically, written in the name of one by another. This was … Read the remainder
It has been a week or so since the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). It was a surreal moment – not really because it was bizarre but due to the beauty and serenity of the service.
We drew the words used for the service from Susan Gilchrist’s wonderful post on the Corrymeela website . We used the 2017 version but we adapted it to help with the expected congregation. We had spoken with some people from the LGBTQIA community: some … Read the remainder