We have achieved much in our 8-9 months of Knit & Knatter. We have sought to bring people together from across Strathclyde and even the far flung corners of Yorkshire! We have learnt about Scottish food, the vagaries of the NC500 and also how we may help with the joys and sorrow of life, those times of sunshine and showers.
In our time we have created intricate needlepoint, dyed patterns on cloth, made beautiful banners and much much more. We have also taken wonderfully knitted garments to Maslow’s of Govan to help with the support of asylum seekers and refugees in Glasgow, and sent off a Premier League of teddy bears to the BuddyBag Foundation – pattern is here.

So we have a few more ideas for the Autumn which stretches ahead of us: so we are Purling to the Future!
Knitted Angels
It strikes us painfully when the statistics connected to Covid19 are stated each day, another 100 or so people have died on that day who have had a positive Covid19 result in the last 28 days. That’s 100 families struggling to cope with the devastation and trauma of the loss of a family member. We’d like to offer a time when people might pause and reflect on lives lost, knowing that God is still with them, despite how they may be feeling currently. The Bible speaks of Angels, many people – regardless of faith – speak of their guardian angel watching over them.
Could we knit angels which might be used to help others grieving as we approach Christmas?
Here’s the pattern: Knitted Angels
How might we offer consolation and comfort to families near to us, through our local churches, this Christmas? It might be the opportunity for those to come to terms with a Blue Christmas this year.

Knitted Hats for the Sea
The Pollokshaws Area Network, which is a great focus of activity for the local community, has asked if anyone would like to knit some hats for those who venture out o’er the water. The pattern is below:
Double Knit or 4-ply wool: 4mm needles and 2 oz yarn
Cast on 120 sts
Rib (K2,P2) for 12 inches or 25 cm
Next Row: K2TOG to end of row
Next Row: Purl
Repeat last 2 rows once
Next Row: Knit
Next Row: Purl
Pull thread through all stitches and sew the seam.
Please drop off at the PAN Community Hub at 132 Shawbridge St, Glasgow G43 1NP.
New Embroidery Groups
There is a new embroidery group for those in Glasgow: the Glasgow Stitchers: and they have a web presence here.

What could we make which could be a contrast to Halloween? Here’s a review of Halloween.
It would appear that Halloween is quite a big thing in Scotland – why is that? Could you explain that?
I understand that November 5th can be quite big especially due to the history between Catholics and Protestants, but where is the origin of the emphasis for Halloween? All-Hallows Eve seems to have been lost in the process.
Remembrance Sunday
How might our talents help others to to remember the past sacrifices? It could be poppies, such as here in Penkridge. These poppies are very pearl-like, so it’s more Pearl to the Future (and past) rather than Purl to the Future!

cascading from the church roof. #YourStories #Remembrance100
What might we do differently this year?
So regardless whether you knit and are Purling to the Future, or sew, or whatever, as it is good for our community and climate, what can we do?
We meet again on Monday 18th Oct at 1030 – see you there!
I loved the dialogue it was very interesting