Knit & Knatter – more of the latter!


We shared a lot of what we are still doing each and every week. It’s amazing what talents are possibly hidden but ever so present.

We share this on Facebook Live initially and then continue on Zoom for a further hour

There is a downloadable pattern for Improv Quilt making, but here are a few handy websites:

How to sew an Improv Quilt


Jo Avery Quilts

and a response from the BuddyBagFoundation – where we can send the Teddy Bears to so they can go to sick children, to help with their care:


We wondered what we might be using to help our Lenten journey this year. One is enjoying ‘Count Your Blessings’ which can be accessed via One person thought that creating an Easter cross, as shown here, might help as we could ponder on the significance of Easter as we worked on the cross.


Church Banners

We found this as a possible starter for Church Banners but we could use children’s colouring books to bring together multiple designs to make a much larger picture.


Bondaweb was mentioned as a great help with sewing. This is a form of fusible interfacing.

<a href="" rel="me">Mastodon</a>