When at the Death Cafe, we might wonder about whether cremation or burial is the ‘way to go’, but the legal stuff also might make us worried. So what’s the difference between a Power of Attorney and a Will?

In Scottish law, there is a principle that no one has the legal authority to make decisions for another person overt the age of 16 unless you have. a Power Attorney (Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000)

In terms of cost, a Power of Attorney may cost you between £300-500, and could take up to a month to receive the authorisation.

There are some interesting different characteristics suggested for appointing your own attorney.

It isn’t merely a guarantee document but one that needs to be read very carefully.
What of the cost of a Power of Attorney?

In terms of cost, a Power of Attorney may cost you between £300-500, and could take up to a month to receive the authorisation.
Wills – they are the easy bit: yes?

These figures are correct as of May 2023. It is not as easy as you might expect if you do not have a will.
Here’s a flowchart you might want to print out and explore.

This has been copied from https://www.thegazette.co.uk/all-notices/content/103535.
So what is the cost?

It’s hugely variable, in other words. Some solicitors waive their usual fees for drawing up wills at certain times of the year when you donate to charity. Check Will Aid and Will Relief to find solicitors taking part.

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