Normally we might set New Year’s Resolutions, in a vain hope to escape the clutches of the past year. And who wouldn’t want to drive away from this “unprecedented” howler of a year?
Hey, perhaps rather than languish upon the horrors that have truly existed in 2020, a true Annus horribilis, if we may quote Her Majesty, we could focus in a different way?
So rather than focus upon what new things we might take up for 2021, what might we consider keeping going from 2020. There are great things which have changed us, made us into something different, where our love for one another has been evident.
What additional talents have we gained this last year?
Anyone for Zoom?
Who had heard of Zoom before March?
Other than University students….
If initially a few people were very reticent to engage in this new form of online meeting, many have now grasped the nettle and found that it can be manageable, and bring great benefit. Families are linking together for games nights, grandparents can see their grandchildren – albeit briefly in and out of shot, and oh yes meetings can continue. These are great things which have changed us.
Those times that sound more like a seance : “can you hear me Mother?“, and the now infamous “you’re muted” now are part of the fabric of conversations.

What may be of interest is whether these forms of contact, of dialogue, will become the ‘norm’ for the future as well? Will we favour such meetings rather than all of us take the car to drive so many miles in the depths of winter to meet up for a short meeting?
Using the phone?
I recall the days when the first iPhone went on sale with claims to do all things for everyone…and oh also make calls. The drive has been that the mobile handheld phone can be our everything where and when we need it. Today, one of the essentials to contact the vast majority of folk may be one of its basic functions, that of calling them.

Today it is not “Go Home for Christmas” but, like ET, “Phone a Home for Christmas“.
When the “wise in age” cohort amongst us do not use emails, Facebook or WhatsApp etc, the redundancy of the phone may bring out a miracle in connecting with someone. These are great things which have changed us.
Whatever language you might use, people have been able to use some of their ‘spare time’ to do some craft work. What about making some candles, melting the old ones which have been around the house for decades?

We might have repainted a wall to make that striking backdrop for the Zoom call?

Or balancing tea cups, instead of just drying up after dinner, in to interesting topical designs?

Or that inferno jigsaw that you bought from the Charity Shop that does not match the picture on the box?

We have been far more willing perhaps to focus charity in these tough times. Who might want a coat during these colder times when money is short? This gesture echoes the great things which have changed us.

What about when we went running to raise money?

Our Focus
So rather than focus upon what new things we might take up for 2021, what might we consider keeping going from 2020. There are great things which have changed us, made us into something different, where our love for one another has been evident. Let’s not lose that, keep on going into 2021!