Crafting websites

In our discussions today we were reflecting upon the different things we could make. It’s great that in the myriad of conversations we may find new ideas which might spark a new project, keeping us mentally active in this lengthy period of lockdown. Here are some thoughts.


Here is a postcard where strips of material have been applied. Overleaf, the normal divisions on a postcard have been drawn so that this could be sent as exactly that, a postcard. Wow, imagine what the person who receives this might feel as they pick this off the mat?

Then there’s the possibility of a bookmark, inlayed with chiffon and satin flowers (left); or a book cover with hand embroidered flowers?

Some websites we discussed today:

All great for fabrics and more (we don’t receive anything for mentioning these sites)

<a href="" rel="me">Mastodon</a>