Do we love receiving gifts on our birthday or at Christmas? It’s lovely to receive something that someone else has chosen just for us. So what drives us to give such gifts to others?
It’s a gift that keeps on giving.

It may take a lot of time to go around the shops, or scroll through the online websites, or even make a gift yourself. When we do this, it is a new creation, personalised even if there is a slight mistake. One person has made some beautiful birthday cards, each with a capital letter. Others are gifting material so that others can create something anew.
The Circuit are creating sewn or knitted chicks ready for Easter. These will be “sitting” on creme eggs. We intend to give these away on Buchanan Street, Glasgow, on Good Friday; along with some Hot Cross Buns. This is a gift: one of creation and one which may cost. It is a gift that hopes to bring ‘hope’ to the recipient. It’s a wonder in giving and receiving

This small piece of material is also a gift. Its gift is in our interpretation of the image. What is the curly purple thread on the left? Could it be a fern uncurling, or a question mark? The changing colours across the image may indicate the differing lights of the day and night? The various threads along the bottom are seemingly twirling but there is a vertical thread emerging, highlighting new growth. The buttons may be places to stop, to pause, as our eyes flow along the image. This creation may be something to keep someone busy, but it is a continual gift for many people.
What can we see in this image?
Some of us are experiencing or recently have experienced loss of a family member. This is a new start for us on our journey in life. Currently there may be delays in releasing the necessary forms from the authorities, and in getting the times for the Crematorium. This time may be a gift to us as we process our feelings. It can also be a cause of concern as it elongates the passage of grief. The gift of our time for those struggling can be such a wonderful opportunity of generosity.
We have been following the Great Pottery Throwdown on TV. It offers such a great insight in the diversity of creation. This week they looked at the imagery of the 60s. The different glazes offer such variety

You wonder whether these ceramic pots might be given away to someone who might treasure it so much. Gifts are so special, not constrained by its financial value, but by the value seen by the person receiving it. It may not even be a rational value as seen by others. But that’s the wonder in giving and receiving. We can never assess the value in receiving a gift.
It’s a gift that keeps on giving.
It was very interesting