Why should a church group start an online Knit & Knatter group?
It’s a way of sharing our experiences from within this #Covid Pandemic. What experiences? well those we have learnt: possibly from taking up knitting once again after a break of…well…years for some; more probably for being heard when we share our own story. These are connections.
So each Monday, people meet up on Zoom, from 1030-1130. They might bring along their latest finished knitting to show, and then chat.
Sometimes we feel empty, lifeless as if we have lost our stuffing – just like this teddy bear.

We may not feel that we fit in this world at the moment so we focus on the positive, the things that we can control and knit or sew to keep our active, relentless minds busy and focussed.
Coral anyone?
As a welcome gift, we send out some knitted coral to everyone who has joined us so far.

Coral provides shelter for fish, sponges,
anemones and crabs etc.
We provide support for our
families and friends.
Coral provides a buffer to protect
the coast from storms
We provide a buffer by listening to
others in their storms of life.
Coral needs sunlight, water
and the right environment to flourish.
So do we.
Coral connects with its community
and similar communities.
Who can we connect with and how can our
knitting/sewing/craft work help with that?
Here are the instructions for the Coral.