It was on a run this morning when I noticed, amidst the farm animals in the fields and the two hares scurrying around, the village where I now live. It was buried in the undulating hills, set as the foreground to the wind turbines up within Eskdalemuir Forest. What could be seen were farm buildings to the east of the village, the rest was hidden. If you had never been to this place, you could easily have missed the village.
What is there are a myriad of houses, an old pub, a historic CoS Church directly at the end of the High Street, and the River Annan. This watery feature marks the easterly edge of the village, denying it further progress in that direction, clearly stating that nature is having its way.
Much of what we possess remains hidden. Yes, it can be seen at times. That flurry of anger perhaps, when emotions run high, or torrents of tears when the darkness of life envelops us; but usually we exist in a bubble, not allowing others to see too deeply within. We like to use labels but they don’t fully describe us, merely paint a picture possibly that we wish we could attain.

We might be like the images seen at fairgrounds when people look into those wonky mirrors. They create an illusory depiction of what we are – but it’s not really us – is it?
We may all know some people who are terrifically busy. They fill their lives with so much, but from experience, I might question their overall impact.
The old phrase is “we are human beings, not human doings“. The life that we can create by all our busyness may paint a picture we would like others to see. Does that really define us?
Our life is one that we create for ourselves. It might be one that is evident for all to see; however, we are permitted to live a life where others may not see us for every moment of the day. Just like the village hidden in the dip of the surrounding hills , we can also pop up when we deem it appropriate – but it is our choice if and when that occurs.
We can remain hidden, without fear of comment – for that is us. We can also appear when people get nearer, and be seen for who we are – in complete reality.
I found the dialogue interesting and I enjoyed it
The explanation was amazing! Looked as if someone was showing me my busy life :-). Yes, I can relate to this – the advantage of living alone and being busy is that it enables you to focus better and be yourself, especially when you don’t hear others’ comments, which could be very discouraging.