“The Transgender Day of Remembrance seeks to highlight the losses we face due to anti-transgender bigotry and violence. With so many seeking to erase transgender people – sometimes in the most brutal ways possible – it is vitally important that those we lose are remembered, and that we continue to fight for justice”
Gwendolyn Ann Smith (1998) in memory of Rita Hester
In Todmorden Central Methodist Church, on Tuesday 19th November, we remembered the people who had died, been murdered, killed, or had lost their life through suicide over the last year, up until the 30 September. We wanted to reflect, to ponder, to hope and to find a way forward.
Our time started listening to Sistek, song about yearning for love.
This was a short reflective service, for all. When we came to a time of prayer, for those who didn’t share in a belief in God, then we hoped that people would still be able to join with us all for they all have aspirations, hopes: for that is common to us all – that we all hope for a change in society and that all can be loved.
We heard a very well known passage of Scripture “Love is patient, Love is kind” It spoke of looking through a dark glass currently, or perhaps through fog: many people can’t see clearly as yet, but soon, it will clear, and we will know that all people are loved. We concluded by saying that: “today we must commit ourselves, all of us, to disperse that darkness , whether we consider it as looking through a glass or in fog, and build the true welcome for everyone, which finds its complete inclusion and fulfilment in love“.
We then paused, remembered the 331 people whose lives had been taken from them, solely because they identified as they truly are. We reflected on where people had been murdered, killed, died: which countries, which continents, but also on which countries and continents that no data appeared to be available.
Candles were lit as we reflected upon what society can inflict.

We then watched a short video reflecting the call of one in a dominant gender binary culture, where we recall that gender isn’t always binary but flows along akin to a beautiful spectrum of many colours.
[vimeo 373986862 w=640 h=564]When will my reflection show who I am inside?
And then we prayed, and hoped, whatever our faith, lighting the candles in turn:

As we seek to show compassion, help all of us to create that same inclusion so that everyone regardless of race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation finds the same fulfilment and inclusion, along with all others as shown in the Love of Christ.
Where am I in the solution?
Response: “May we show love”
“We’ll see it all then, see it all as clearly as our Loving Creator sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!”. Help me to take away the Glass of Darkness so that I shall know how I fail to help others, how my lack of understanding creates prejudice fear and discrimination, and even death, to people whose identities are not the same as our own.
Where am I in the solution?
Response: “May we show love”
Loving Creator, we remember before you all those who have died recently, especially those known to us. On this day we also remember all those transgender people who have been murdered or died by suicide, because they have been trying to be true to their own identities. We also remember those who grieve for them. Give them the peace of knowing that we all are loved in equal measure. Help us to help them find as we will all find in death, as in life, we all are alive in Your Kingdom of Love.
Where am I in the solution?
Response: “May we show love”
Help us to recognise the harm we may have done to others through ignorance or lack of understanding even when our best intentions are in place. As we mourn for those who have died let us remember that the true fruits of that mourning must be found in a better and more understanding world. Today as we remember the deaths of transgender people, may we seek to show in our lives such a change that changes others.
Help us to bring that freedom to the world.
In your Wisdom
Response: “Hear our Hopes and Prayers. Amen”
We concluded our reflection with listening to a Beatles track “All you need is love” which quotes from the Scripture reading, and all we as society need to do is show love to all, not toleration, not acceptance, but a welcome in love.
[vimeo 373989812 w=640 h=564]