err, what happened
Where does our faith stand with armour
Why didn’t I see it coming
The Treasure within
The river flows onwards
Should the Church follow Anonymous?
Should we compare?
What does a ‘good death’ mean for a church?
Misogyny reversed?
Why do that?
Terramation is natural
Funerals have been a-changing
Advent Sunday
Which is it to be?
What a community!
The Community Returning to Flourish (Part 2)
Liquid Church in a sip
Beauty of the Margins
Can we chat in Church?
Where’s God?
Where is God to us, today?
So where is God?”
The people quietly averted their gaze and you could see their finger pointing upwards – as it was obvious.
Their finger retracted, their view remained averted.
Why can we struggle with the question “Where is God?”. We can theologise, use grand theological explanations which are beautiful, poetic, but may not really get that meaning across to others.
Yes, originally, God was perceived in reside in Heaven, above the dome. God was attended to … Read the remainder
It’s ‘we’ not ‘me’…
Churches are A-Zooming!
Where do ‘we’ go from lockdown?
Living it not just talking it
What to consider – Liquid Church
Church – a change?
Can we look forward to more one-to-one contact?
Choppy water anyone?
Are we strangers?
What could be so different?
‘Do we wish to invest in a church-as-we-have-known-it?
New Years Resolutions
When is a Third Place a winner?
What Christmas are you looking for this year?
TDOR 2019
Administration…Liquidation…what’s next for the church?
What’s next for the Methodist Church?
Our Echo Chamber : Who hears us, can we silence ourselves?
Which glasses to choose?
When did Cheerful mean Hilarious?
Sharing what’s important
CND – 4 August 2019
Do we need a building anymore?
What retail outlets could offer to church
Analysing John’s Gospel
Going on Holiday?
Easter 2019 : In or Out of the Church?
Mother’s Day because we all have mothers….
Ashing to Go?
Fasting: from what?
For some, as we approach the period of Lent, people can decide to fast, to abstain from food and/or drink – but why?
I want Lent .. to affect not only the next 40 days
but also the next 40 years
Rachel Held-Evans
In my younger days (!) I have given up chocolate, sweets and/or alcohol. But now I look back and wonder to what benefit, and to whom? Therefore, in our second meeting of the Faith group, where we … Read the remainder
Faith frozen
Todmorden Faith : Same Sex Marriage
Death Café
It has been a week or so since the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). It was a surreal moment – not really because it was bizarre but due to the beauty and serenity of the service.
We drew the words used for the service from Susan Gilchrist’s wonderful post on the Corrymeela website . We used the 2017 version but we adapted it to help with the expected congregation. We had spoken with some people from the LGBTQIA community: some … Read the remainder