Today will be the first of four online sessions where we discuss #Hardstuff. Not ‘who is eventually going to win the Premier League‘; or ‘when will we see yeast or bread flour back in the shops‘; but those difficult, back-burner questions. We want to actively engage in cross-faith discussions where all voices are heard.
The sessions are called ‘BetaMax’ – Who’d copy that?

This is true interfaith dialogue where we explore what each of us feel, believe, but not seek to demand that we have the only true correct solution. This isn’t about chanting ever louder that we are right, the other is wrong.
Surely the only way to move forward as community is to dialogue, to understand the ‘other’.
If people then decide they want to explore further, then that’s up to them. This is about allowing that self-exploration, not demanding there’s only ‘our’ path.
How do we see Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Paganism and Atheism considering ‘What is the purpose of life’? I am hoping that there will be areas where we agree, as this will deconstruct the mainstream media trope that all faiths disagree.
Procreation was historically considered a key attribute towards our purpose. This would further ‘humanity’, but surely having understanding, knowledge, wisdom – call it what you will – is vital.

The dreadful consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought people to possibly consider the futility of our lives, some of our businesses. Much has been said in this pandemic of the evident inequality of wealth in our society, which may have direct consequences towards the health of people. Will that bring a change as see ‘our purpose in life’ not for ourselves but for society as a whole?
What will we discuss over the course of the next month?

We will be reporting back ‘our thoughts, our perspectives, after each session. Why not add your comments below?
Our first session on the meaning of life is here.
We will add the second session, what/how is God here; the third session about this God guiding us or communicates with us, how, here; and lastly Where is God with us today?, here. The links will be added as we proceed.
An overall summary of all of the sessions is here.
Hi, am interested in joining this discussion
Good morning Peter. The post from the meeting yesterday should hopefully be released just after lunch. Surprisingly we didn’t quite answer the question regarding the meaning of life ;-). Nevertheless, as a starter we were able to discern that our own faith sustains us so that we may connect with others within humanity to serve. My email is deaconbobstoner @ icloud.com: I can then send you the link to join. We would very much welcome your input.
Peter, I had hoped to respond to one of your informative blogs relating to Brexit and the nationalistic drive to combine flag, faith and country; however, my comment didn’t seem to load.
The one thing I have learnt in ministry is there is not ‘faith and no faith’, for everyone has a faith. By claiming someone has no faith we may not offer that person the value that God has given them. Hence we have found in Todmorden that people of all faiths have great value. It is the very essence, the foundation, of Todmorden Faith (todmordenfaith.co.uk/category/faith/). By seeking one community we respond to those claiming nationalistic tendencies that we want to work together with all people. The Interfaith Chaplaincy here in Todmorden also offers that hope.