When we start to listen to the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23), we are already perhaps moving onto the answer. Jesus is at the seaside, when a crowd joins him and he needs some space. We might have felt that emotion. People crowding into our own time, when we need – for our own wellbeing – some me-time. Time to think, to reflect on what has happened, happening. Then the phone goes or the mobile beeps, and we are rushed back into normality. We shouldn’t have that me-time we might say as we critique ourselves – should we compare?
Let’s do it, and not compare the yield afterwards, just be faithful.
Types of soil
This week’s parable is great – one of the very few in which Jesus gives an answer. The Twible – the Twitter version of the Bible – suggests that we could summarise this parable as “The 12 ask JC why he speaks to the people in parables. They’d prefer straightforward behavioral checklists, please. With maps.”

We have some seeds which fall on the path – which are eaten by the hungry birds; on rocky ground – which die due to lack of roots; among thorns – where they saw little ought and died; and on good soil, and they grew and grew 30, 60 and 100-fold. Which soil are we? is the expected response. Should it be that?
Who is best then?
Firstly, there is no hierarchy in the yield. Those who produce 30 fold or 60 fold or even 100 fold are seen as any better than each other. Should we compare though? We are all part of God’s kin_dom, all have our own capabilities. So let’s not use the world’s ruler to gauge whether we have done well – being faithful to God is all that we need to be.
Cosmic slot machine work
Secondly, oh to be the good soil! But what if we live on the path, where people tread, pass by on their everyday journey. Or on that rocky ground, in accessible to many but still able to offer incredible vistas. Or that ground full of thorns, where attractions of this world take our attention away from what God is asking of us, and we wither. It speaks of the word of God. Not so the Bible, as that, in its current state, came 3 centuries later, but God.

When we pray, we are not asking for a list of delights which might amuse or make us delirious happy, but what God wants for us in our circumstances. To know this we need to seek the ‘mind of God’.
Do we believe in a cosmic slot machine where upon visiting the prayer booth, we put in our coin and out comes the jackpot. I was recently told that with the decrease in the number of people coming to church we need to be on our knees to get God to change hearts. As if what we currently offer will suddenly be seen as so attractive to those who have ben turned off ‘church’ for some time. I wonder whether God has been crying out to the Church for some time to hear the word of God, and whether we have been actively listening?
The seeds fall where they are

On the Path
Those near to the path may need to consider who near to them may need God’s love. Is it a place where people can find sanctuary, a peaceful haven amidst the busyness of life, a time to share life over a cuppa?
On the rocky ground
Those on rocky ground may need to ponder those who are close to losing their grip with reality, with no roots to firmly anchor themselves, walking that tightrope they imagine life to be. What of those who are considering suicide or are self-harming, those who are struggling mentally, especially after the pandemic. This is difficult terrain, one in which we may need suitable training, but what is the word of God saying to you?
With the thorns

Those who are being strangled by life, their attention, our attention, being drawn away by the material wonders of the world? This could be through alcohol, drugs or gambling : each so close to every one of us, if the circumstances hit us in a certain way. What if we could listen to those addicted, not in judgement, but in love, with compassion, helping and supporting?
Lush ground
Lastly those in the good soil, fertile, lush – perhaps so happy to be in the idyllic medium that they are capable to being so beneficial, but just can’t see it. What if we heard the word of God, what God wanted for us and our community – not our desires but God’s?
Parable of the Sower
We might like to focus our attention on the good soil, craving that, but God may not have placed us there. Should we seek to compare the different types of soil? We could move, but that is now expecting God’s cosmic slot machine to come into action yet again. What is God saying to us, and the church today – where we are, with those around us?
Let’s do it, and not compare the yield afterwards, just be faithful.
I found the dialogue interesting and I enjoyed it