That’s trying to convey us seamlessly moving into another year – but I must admit it does look a lot like hurling, throwing us into what might be 2020 too. In terms of what we all achieved last year, it was great. We moved together as one. When given the circumstances that’s what we have to do. When some of us have had to isolate it was great that people contacted them, offered them support.
As they said in the film Ice Age “It’s what we do in a pack”
Wherever we live!

New Year
One thing that the New Year brings is the ‘return to school’ which to us means this re-start to proof reading. That checking of the homework and for older children, dissertations. It’s astonishing the lengths we might go to help our (grand)children. Now word counts are also a concern. It is a wonder how are handwriting is now looking with the move towards greater us of the computer.
Here is a Clootie Dumpling which we received. Given that we from England this was a strange but Wonderfull offering.
This was so good as it could be fried(! – the “Scots can fry apparently anything“) or warmed up or smothered with custard or cream. Very good for filling tummies. Just watch out for buttons, sixpences, even dolls which might be enclosed. But with a full tummy, that might inhibit our dancing!
When we reflected back from our childhood, we recalled the various different types of dancing they offered. It was also noted that occasionally our parents were shocked that we had learnt a particular type. However, dancing was introduced just when children were their most ungainly, not ideal. Furthermore, there were specific partner dances which had to be learnt – including “Strip the Willow”.
Being Involved
We also discussed how the impact of Covid has certainly restricted our ability to be intimately involved with our loved ones, especially in Care Homes and Hospitals. Recently with the increased wave of Omicron infections, visitors may have also been denied, which is demoralising. We have also found ways of ensuring loved ones can remain in contact – FaceTime etc.
So what about 2021?
Here is a personal review of 2021: Legacy

Where have we seen love and beauty? Some have seen, even if we they have travelled from either Birmingham or the rolling hills of Yorkshire, that there is beauty in the skyline of Glasgow. One quick response is in the garden, what it provides and as a setting with the family. We also heard of the love and care we get from our neighbours, and for one Cliff College is a special place, even a ‘thin place’. Again, our family and friends demonstrate that love, and with technology, distances are no longer a problem. Following the Clearances, many immigrated to principally Canada, and there is a strong link to Nova Scotia.
So what of the dreams of 2022?

Health and being physically re-connected was a major factor. One family in the news has sold up everything they own and have gone travelling to experience the world. One wonders whether they are looking to escape something: was it grief? Grief isn’t something that we can escape but grow to envelop the trauma.
We wished that there would be longer between the highs and the lows of the year. We wished that we could get back to what we thought were normal, albeit our whole society has changed whilst we, individually, have sought to work through the pandemic.
Perhaps the normality we seek has also changed?
One aspect we noted was the Church family, whether linked physically and via social media, was still so strong and supportive.
In all of this turmoil we have a God who is alongside us always. This is a song that a few of us listen to in such situations:
There is confidence in such uncertainty. We don’t do it “with a sore heart” but with a purpose and a smile.
It was very interesting