We scroll through our social media feeds, taking in information, the latest cat meme, and possibly checking the news or sports updates. We are on Receive. But let’s think:
You know when you’ve looked on the Web for a particular product and then suddenly you see similar adverts on Facebook? Uncanny.

If I asked whether you were a digital evangelist you might run a mile. Is that because we use social media On Receive?
When we go online we receive emails but we also write copious numbers of emails to folk.
We might use WhatsApp or Facebook or even Twitter to make comments but when it comes to church, are we limited to liking the posts?
If we were to make comments we might embarrass ourselves with our limited knowledge perhaps when, in reality, we’d be extending that conversation the person at the front of church was inviting all morning.
When we like a YouTube or Facebook post we are also offering that site information on what we like, who we are. You know that when you’ve looked on the Web for a particular product and then suddenly you see similar adverts on Facebook? Uncanny.
Ways you can influence
This blog suggests three ways to improve the popularity of a particular YouTube site:
- Affecting the algorithm by liking the video or blog post.
- Watch time (the combined amount of time that viewers spend watching your videos), not leaving after a few seconds.
- How many videos the user has watched from your channel.
You can also share the weblink to the video or post – this also informs the social media channel that this video/post is worthwhile.
Power in the comments
So do watch the video. And Like it, if you wish. And make that comment.
Those comments we make give the sites information on who else might like the video or blog you’ve just spoken about. Suddenly we are promoting sites we use to others without any extra additional effort. We can also share the weblink with others using those emails or WhatsApp messages.
Furthermore, we are extending that conversation about spiritual matters, things which may be important to us. That’s being a digital evangelist.
Great explanation of how to spread a message
It was very interesting
Thanks for posting