We are in the third week of Lent – have you ‘relented‘ and eaten the chocolate you said you wouldn’t eat? I have temporarily given up supporting my favourite football team…
Anyway the Knit&Knatter group are back and here’s what we discussed today:
Easter Eggs

Yes Easter eggs. Here’s the pattern, is this as easier and it looks?
Quilt Projects
A close friend has started this project to record Covid-19 stories through a Quilt. Hang in there.

Patchwork quilting has always been a creative way to tell stories, record culture an capture historic events. I am planning to make a quilt over the summer which might reflect something of our experience of living through the Covid-19 pandemic. My hope is not only to make a quilt but also to bring alive people’s lived experiences by offering a space to share their stories and contribute a piece of fabric to include in the quilt. Once finished, the goal is to bring photographs of the quilt together with the stories collected with some kind of commentary or reflection and publish it. If you would like to join in, the photograph below tells you how.If you don’t, but would be happy to share this post, please do. It will be interesting to watch it’s progress around the world, not least because the whole world has been affected by this virus and, the design of the quilt is based on a historic pattern called ‘Trip Around the World’ Thank you in anticipation
Here’s our discussion of sharing:

Knitting for Hospitals
We continue to make these so children in hospitals can find benefit. It was interesting to note that the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow is still interested in knitted baby hats. Is this a further opportunity for caring for others.
Books for banner making
We discussed this recently, and we have highlighted one source – other book sellers also exist –

Hot Cross Buns

Can we eat Hot Cross Buns throughout the year? and what of different flavours – is that ok? or just knit them!!!
What does this Group have to do with Church?
It is interesting that this is a Church initiative but it doesn’t look much like ‘church’. The Methodist Church has 4 aspects of what it calls it’s ‘calling’.

Our Worship is through putting God first.
Our Learning and Caring is through our fellowship together, understanding that we seek also to learn to care for ourselves in these difficult times in the Pandemic. Knitting and Knattering are useful to alleviate frustration, anxiety and promote understanding in one another.
Service is through sending off completed Teddy Bears to the centre who helps with poorly, sick children; sending a Mug Hug to someone so they know that they are loved and not forgotten.
Evangelism is through allowing others to see that those within the Church are ones where problems arise, but know that God is in the solution. It isn’t a life in rosy technicolour, but one in that it can be fruitful, abundant, through that love of God.
See you next week!