Hi, I am Joseph. I have been away at Sepphoris, that new Roman city just north of Nazareth. It’s huge. It’s so busy they keep us there for days at a time to maintain the progress they need. I’ve been released for a few days so I am heading back over the hill to Nazareth and my betrothed Mary. She has been out and about recently I gather, visiting friends – hope she is ok.
Ah, there is the house and Mary might be here to welcome me back? Hi Mary! I’m back! I stand rooted to the spot. No, it isn’t that the Donkey has got in the way but..Oh my goodness… Keep smiling…I stare in surprise and shock. My… you are looking ….resplendent …
What has happened? What do you mean you are with child?…I know it is a simple phrase but it is too much for my brain. Oh my goodness, you are merely a teenager …we are betrothed…and you are with child.. ..and oh my goodness.
I have to say that I feel angry at this point, not much use for Mary in her dilemma, but my Dad Heli brought me up as a righteous man, one who does right with God. What am I to do now?
I have failed her. Mary I have failed you.. I received you as a virgin and I have not kept you safe. Oh who has done this? Mary, why has this happened?
We need to find someone to call this betrothal off, we need to observe the Law of Moses. If Moses had to take off his sandals before the burning bush, I need to step back from this virgin. I know that if we continue Mary will be stoned by the hordes…. I can’t allow that to happen. You see, I trust you Mary. I don’t know what has happened but I know you would follow God as well. Oh my goodness.
Mary, speak louder, I can’t hear you in our sobbing. Oh wow! What? You were visited by God, the Holy Spirit, and a child was conceived. Oh wow! Far too much for a mere carpenter to comprehend…just give me five minutes…perhaps weeks…some months.. years..and I’ll understand. Perhaps I never will. I need time.
Then I saw an Angel, I still struggle with believing all of this, perhaps you do as well? It’s all too much for me…but I believe in God. That’s called faith I suppose. I could just walk out humbly, my head held high and have honour; or I could stay with Mary, my love, and trust what God has done, and will do. That was a toughie, but I’ll stick with God and Mary.
Cover image: Christ in the House of his Parents, 1850, by John Everett Millais
The dialogue was very interesting