“The first words of the risen Christ in Luke’s gospel are, “What are you two talking about?” The second: “You idiots!”
Pulpit Fiction – Easter 3
As we journey through this current crisis, we may never ‘see’ the end. For some our hair is too long, it needs a cut, and therefore, we need to protest. This gives us hope that we will be freed from this ‘lockdown’ and be given back our rights.
In the passage from Luke’s Gospel, Jesus pops up alongside two people as they walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus. It is still Easter Sunday, to them the day after the Sabbath, hence they could undertake such a walk. This is not one of their mandated #BorisWalks.
One of the travellers was called Cleopas: I wonder whether his walking partner was his wife?, for she was also at Jesus’ crucifixion. Perhaps this was the reason they were so engrossed in conversation, that they didn’t spot this newcomer along the road.
We would have spotted this person striding along! Oh Yes! Anyone getting near to the 6 feet separation zone will be identified! But here was this man, Jesus, approaching them.
Oh I wonder how Jesus was walking? Was Jesus fully healed? They didn’t make any reference to this, nor could they recognise him: so that’s Mary Magdalene, and now these two unable to recognise the man they have been following for years! But this Jesus, God… I thought God was one that ruled high and mighty over us, looking down and smiting at will. Seems a lot has changed…
It was only as Jesus was reclining at the table, eating with them, that they could see who he really was, more than just a man. It’s yet another ‘I was blind but now I can see‘ parable perhaps.
What was the reaction of Cleopas and possibly his wife?
To run, Yes!, run …all the way back to Jerusalem, 7 miles, at night, not exactly a wise move perhaps, and tell the other disciples: not just the eleven but more. From this one conversation, all the years of hearing the other parables, the stories, that crucifixion, has just come completely clear…
What does knowing Jesus, experiencing Jesus mean to us today? *
And it wasn’t in the eating of the bread, but in the distribution, the breaking of the bread. Is this some emphasis towards looking again at our actions which result from our understanding of Jesus? This isn’t about remaining within the walls of our Church but moving out, even 7 miles away (figuratively) and mixing it with other people.
If we could – once lockdown is removed – go out and ‘be with others’ what is going to change? This incident changed them. Has Easter this year, changed us? Returning to ‘normality may be ignoring ‘being Christ to others’.
* We are running a 4-part Zoom session on What is life today as part of Todmorden Faith, the pluralistic faith discussion group. Please contact me if you would wish to join us every Sunday late afternoon.
There is some discussion that the author of the Gospel of Mark also records this journey, if not amazingly briefly : Mark 16:13-14; but also that Luke may use this walk similar to when Philip chases down a passing Chariot in Acts 8.
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