We are at the penultimate Chapter of this wee book or letter. It’s more probably a series of good sayings or aphorisms. Was it sent to the God-followers in Jerusalem? Well, recall it was written to the “twelve tribes” ‘in the diaspora’; so, it was written to the Jews living outside of their home area. We have to be careful here. ‘Jews’ were those that followed Jesus, possibly well before anyone had thought of the word ‘Christians’. There is conflict entwined within this text; but, is that the conflict between the Pharisaical Jews of the synagogue and those that follow Jesus? The author uses the word ‘assembly’ whose etymological root stems back to synagogue. Perhaps, the communities which existed back then were those that attended small informal gathering as well as the synagogue meeting on the Sabbath.

The author is, as we start Chapter 4 – recall that there were no chapters until the middle of the last millennia, seamlessly back to the issue lies from what is inside of you we heard in the previous Chapter with James. Those ‘evil desires’ within us are the problem which cause us to have quarrels. It all then gets a bit heated as we have that exclamation “You adulterers!”, albeit in the Greek it reads “adulteresses”. The pride some have demonstrated has caused great problems. They are advised to acknowledge that grace is in abundance. Grace, not from ‘Grace Brothers from ‘Are You Being Served”, but a freely given gesture, given before we even contemplated our action.
Grace and Humility

It’s like when we are in discussion with someone and as they speak we are already thinking how we might counter that argument, or ‘go one better’ than their statement – when, in reality, it would have been beneficial to merely listen, …and then respond positively. Grace is like that intention to always speak positively and listen to the person before making that next step. Grace is like loving someone before you’ve even met them.
Humility is not self-promoting ourselves. We might possibly think of a candidate for election in November this year who may be struggling with humility, although they might deny this indefatigably. But have we then strayed into criticising another, for the author cites this as criticising God? If humility is the quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance; being humble is a positive perspective of one’s actual standing within the family or society. Being humble doesn’t mean sackcloth and ashes, but not thinking too highly of ourselves. We don’t need put ourselves down, just recognise where we sit, loving others. As John Pavlovitz writes ‘If God is love, don’t be a jerk‘.

You wonder whether this was a political message of its time. The Roman Empire rulers were ones that ascribed themselves deity status, even demanding that that they be worshipped in Temples in their area of jurisdiction. Was ‘James’ saying that they need to be humble and know who they truly were, especially when comparing themselves to God? If Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection was anything, it was a personal affront to the Roman dominion of the land. Jesus’ followers cried out that Jesus was Lord, their King – tantamount to rebellion to the Empire. Political dynamite.
God as judge
We also have in James 4:12 that verse which states that ‘God is judge’, with the power to save or destroy. Possibly a tadge controversial here, but compare Jesus in the Gospels, and the God of the Hebrew Scriptures and Revelation:
- Jesus is passionate about peace, non-violence and love for all.
- The God of the Hebrew Scriptures and Revelation is one where vengeance and judgement will be forthcoming.
We have been told possibly, from Sunday School to various evangelical services, that God will be our judge in the end.
What if God has already told us that we are loved, loved before we ever thought of the question,
and that the decision has already been made?
The dialogue is excellent I am enjoying it