The author starts this Chapter with no introduction, no gentle description of the problem that is at large, no reason for writing. As we said earlier, this is not so much a book but a series of sayings: moreover, it contains more sayings of Jesus than the Gospels themselves.

We have an issue with our guttering. There is one joint that, despite my best efforts, refuses to be watertight. Upon the fall of rain, drops appear at the bottom of the gutter. These then increase in size and frequency until we have a steady stream of water pouring from the connection of two lengths of gutter. I have sought to ‘stem the tide’ by using copies amounts of sealant but to no avail. Still, the water finds the weakest point to seep through.
I wonder if this is the stream of thought from the author about our ability to convey any form of message: whatever lies within us, will eventually get out. So, consider what lies within.
So, he speaks about a concern with regard to teachers and what they say. Their tongues need to be constrained, so that they can model the language required. Interestingly, it is not what we do, but what we say which is important to the author. Perhaps, it was an issue with those Messianic Jews in Jerusalem, very much still part of the synagogue but who were slowly being alienated by the mainstream pharisaical Jews. Don’t resort to joining those who criticise you by doing the same, or extolling others to do the same. If this were written post the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, we might be considering a greater backlash from the main body of the synagogue as societal understanding broke down with the Imperial Roman quashing of any thought of rebellion.
We are aware of the books of Wisdom within the Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament. Those new followers of Jesus would also be acutely aware of those texts. God is spoken of as Sophia, wisdom. Here, the author speaks of two forms of wisdom: heavenly and earthly. Of the former, this will bring an honourable life to those that follow – not of financial or material wealth, nor happiness per se, but honour. It brings peace, and ability to yield to others. Play their part in the kin_dom of God?
Was it that some within the sphere of the author’s influence were seeking to desire power for themselves, bringing themselves to higher social standing? They wanted the limelight, and as teachers they could exert such power. The author is giving warning to them (not directly us, as the letter wasn’t written to us in the 21st C). The author describes a ‘perfect person’, but as we will discover in Chapter 4, they will contrast that with one who speaks ‘evil or judges another’.

This may well be a letter describing conflicts within a community. We all may know of such a conflict, past or present. Could that conflict could be within ourselves? Of one with mental health issues, I can relate to that.
There is that description of a ship controlled by a small rudder and it goes ‘wherever the will of the pilot directs‘. Again, it is encouraging us to actively consider why are we doing what we do. Is this about furthering our own cause, even our popularity, or does it come from within to help others?
I am really enjoying the dialogue