The Deacon Phoebe is commended to those who receive this letter from Paul (Romans 16:1-16). The name Phoebe is quite apt for the Season as it means Shining. She was once a slave but now had become one who helped many. She lived in Corinth, which was a place for freed slaves to congregate and start to flourish. It reconnects one with another.
Paul’s Letter
This letter from Paul has been brought by Phoebe to those Christians in Rome. This was not any old letter but one bringing great news and inspiration to those who were struggling in an environment difficult for their faith to blossom and flourish. The Church has been one needing of change.
Paul writes to 29 people in Rome: twenty men and nine women. He writes to five separate communities, he writes to all within those communities – regardless of their status, for they are all loved. These greetings would have been treasured and passed around the families, knowing that someone had thought of them from afar. It reconnects one with another.
Separated by 8000 miles
Some time ago I was sent to the Falklands with a stint serving in the Royal Air Force. Being separated by 8000 miles was hard enough, more so that our first child was only 3 months old at the time. In the days before social media – I know we don’t look that old – we resorted to what was the only available way of keeping in contact – Blueys.

These were pre-formatted letters, made with wafer like paper. I would write a few Blueys each week and Mandy would do likewise. We rarely were able to answer the questions posed by the other as the frequency of delivery was not that great. It was entirely down to the arrival of the aircraft. Often some bundles of mail would be delayed and hence it was always good to number the letters.
Cassette Tapes?
Occasionally we would be brave and try to record a cassette tape where I would record a story for Rebecca; however, at 3 months she had little interest in this voice coming out of a box. And when Mandy tried to get her to speak to Daddy – well she had no interest whatsoever in that. I think we sent a few cassettes which were either mainly blank or were not listened to by the younger recipient. It reconnects one with another.
What it did do was reconnect Mandy and myself during that time of separation.
What value were the letters?
Paul wrote many letters, many of them contained guidance, explanations, but they also were full of encouragement, of being as one with the other. As we will hear, others received a message of good news even if they were perplexed or even confused by that news, – like we may be after the new of the Lockdown and additional Tiers in southern England – but still they were encouraged. It may not be the actual news but that we are valued, we are loved, that someone is thinking of us at such a time. It reconnects one with another.
There are few days to go before the day of celebration of Jesus’ birth. According to the Royal Mail you might be fortunate if you sent a card by first class post. I’m not sure Paul’s letters would arrive before Christmas. So what can we do?
A simple phone call
Might I encourage us to ring someone, maybe on Christmas Day? That would be a gift which could surpass many materialistic gifts of today.
May be ring someone whom you might not normally ring so that they can hear a voice, possibly more importantly they can share their news, and let another person hear their voice. It reconnects one with another.
Just as in Phoebe’s day, you will be a carrier – not of the virus, no greetings with a holy kiss as yet please – but carried of good news, of cheer, of encouragement, so that someone else will know that they are loved. Just as you are.
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