is this Christmas?


We have, perhaps, heard in the carols this Christmas time of the old, old story. The story we have heard so many times. Of the journey to Bethlehem, of the family travelling a long time and needing a place to rest and recover. We could recall each part of that story, for it has become a story to us. One we can retell, one that we might believe is true. What if the story could be portrayed in front of ourselves in 2023?

Southbound M6 Toll Road, Weeford Park
David Dixon is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0

The child is born, not in a palace, but in the back of  a building. Where could that building be? Where might their journey be today?

Most long journeys today are on the motorway, cruising along – unless you drive a Skoda – seeing the glimpses of countryside whizz by, perhaps falling asleep – not the driver please – and waking up still on that journey. 


Not stopping at an inn but a service station. We enter that warmer space, hearing the music jingle in the background. We find solace with a burger and an instant coffee. Everyone else seems a blur as we watch the steam rising and smell the food.


The door opens and lorry driver, bringing our supplies – perhaps even food, enters the place: they could be our Shepherds.  No one seems to speak to them, they keep themselves to themselves, and given the length of their journeys, they also can get a shower whilst they are here.

Wise visitors?

The BMW, Porsche and Tesla drivers (other alternative makes of car are also available) are our wise people  of the day. They bring priceless goods, in wonderful colours and believe they have wisdom. 


And there’s an unmarried couple in the corner. She is looking quite uncomfortable. Their child might be nearly due. She wants no fuss to be made however much discomfort she feels she is in. How would I know? And, then others pass in front of them and I lose track of them: so many people passing through.

is this Christmas?

Here is humanity. Here is community on the night before Christmas Day. And what difference is there to the story in the Carol? People coming together due to circumstances, finding a need, and helping each other, and finding significance in their being as one. 

God amidst us, our welcome to all regardless of status, wealth, cleanliness, position in society. Kin_dom is an odd way of spelling Kingdom. Perhaps kin_dom is what God has always wanted for us all? Love One Another was a special plea from Jesus. How to love one another? Seeing each of us as kin perhaps rather than different? Welcoming the ones who might smell due to their occupations, welcoming those who might be richer (or for that matter, poorer) than us, because we are all human. Welcoming those who are struggling with the very elements of life – with whom we can share that priceless joy of a newborn.


So, can we follow that? A welcome to those whom we might consider different to us? When we are All part of humanity regardless of… whatever. So as we finish off the last morsel of food from the plate today, please take this thought with you. We are one, we are kin and we can see love in one another. God amidst us, in every aspect of our lives. 

Happy Christmas 

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