For some of us we may be embarking on hopeful journeys: to see loved ones for the first time in a few years, to meet with friends again; or we might be just back from such an occasion and actually we need a wee cuppa with our feet up as we reflect on all that has happened. Perhaps we might create something- which is also a journey of kinds. These are all hopeful journeys. It is all about Craftvism – which is also on BBC4.
Palm Sunday – Peace?

As we celebrated Palm Sunday yesterday, many of those folk had travelled a long way to Jerusalem and found themselves in a maelstrom of people which had come from all parts of the world. I wonder what languages they would have heard?
Those visitors would have noticed the Roman soldiers watching their every move – for they sought peace at any cost. You wonder what the Ukranians might be feeling yesterday as they worshipped, pondering whether the Russians were seemingly the Romans today…

It would be remiss not to mention those who have also started long journeys of hope – perhaps a different kind of hope?. Setting off from the cities in the east off Ukraine, possibly into Russia, or Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary or Poland. We might also reflect on those in Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Myanmar who may also be escaping from the atrocities of war. Or even the Australians who feeling the brunt of the effects of climate change: so much rain all at the same time.

Our world is being transformed. What a time for Jesus to soon enter the room and offer “peace”.
House Decoration
Some of us have tried to decorate our homes with some Easter-themed crafts as well.

Donald Dewar
He was the first First Minister of Scotland. We are handing out up to 1000 Hot Cross Buns there on Buchanan Street on Good Friday afternoon! We are always learning!

and finally it is Danish Cow Day
Yes it is real. April 17th
I found the dialogue interesting