At our third session we had ten folk, from Strathclyde and South Yorkshire, who wanted to chat, share and link together with a common theme of knitting and sewing. It is interesting to see how something which so many of us (but not me personally ) enjoy can bring us together.
Here’s our time of sharing, to which we continued afterwards for an hour to for a blether:
Some great hearts can be sown, here’s the pattern: https://cottageatthecrossroads.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Easy-Fabric-Hearts.jpg

We also found this of interest, if you wanted to create some knitted hearts.

We mentioned that some enjoyed watching Sewing Street which was on Freeview and on the web, as that gives many new ideas.
We also enjoy sewing and using fabrics. One found that they had liked Morris Fabrics, from Fife. Some wash old jumpers using boil wash, to make the material much softer, like felt. which can be made into a soft toy. Amazing!
For Wool we have found that https://www.deramores.com is a great site.
The address to send completed Teddy Bear’s is as follows: Buddy Bag Foundation, Buddy Bag Foundation, Unit 16 Maybrook Road, Maybrook Business Park, Minworth, Sutton Coldfield, B76 1AL. The pattern for the Teddy Bear’s is here.

We discussed Shetland Lace, where a test was to draw through the completed lace through your wedding ring!
We do not promote any particular site mentioned here, they are all personal recommendations.