It is said that: “Introversion is a personality trait characterized by a focus on internal feelings rather than on external sources of stimulation. Introverts and extroverts are often viewed in terms of two extreme opposites, but the truth is that most people lie somewhere in the middle.” What does this mean for Freedom Day?
Would those on the introvert-extrovert spectrum who feel that Monday is now the day to cast abandon to the necessary restrictions and return to their normality, care a thought to those who may not wish to join in their delight?
With the apparent freedom to move from Covid-19 Level 0, which always looked like a football score indicating that the virus was winning, to the removal of the physical distancing rules in Scotland on Monday 9th August, how are you feeling?
As an introvert, one who draws power from being away from crowds, this lack of physical distancing is a removal of a layer that I have enjoyed. Introverts are not those who always isolate but ones which can stand on the stage, be the centre of that focus – for a while – but is where their energy can be recharged is the key. To have that 2 metre separation in the queue at the supermarket, not have to share elbow room with the nearby table in a café, has allowed introverts may be to cope better with the pandemic.
I can see how businesses will disagree, how with more and more customers within their shop/café they can make more money, but in terms of customer satisfaction I wonder? Do I really want to share my conversation with each of the 6 tables surrounding me?
I am told that it will be great when we can all give each other a hug. That hug comes with presumptions: is the other ok with our presumption that this is what they want? I have been careful to ask whether people would like to elbow bump, or shake hands, or give a hug.
Would those on the introvert-extrovert spectrum who feel that Monday is now the day to cast abandon to the necessary restrictions and return to their normality, care a thought to those who may not wish to join in their delight?
I loved reading it freedom means that we can do more things