Do you find meetings, especially large ones, life draining or life affirming?
What is it?
The action of calling people together for a large formal assembly, yes that’s what a Convocation is about. It comes from the word convocare. So once a year the deacons from the Methodist Diaconal Order meet together to share their vocation, of that life long calling to ministry, of their rule of life, and being itinerant.
It is a time where they can discuss the business of how God’s calling to show love through action and word may be affected through circumstances, of gaining fresh inspiration, of hearing stories from other’s experiences. We also acknowledged those who have died over the past year, celebrating their calling and service.

Who attends?
This year, still evidently affected by ill-health and Covid, the gathering was ‘hybrid’ so a minority joined us each of the 4 days through the wonders of Zoom. Therefore, the digital setup was significant to meet the needs of those onsite and online. So there’s nigh on 100 physically there and up to 20 on line.

There were opportunities to not only do but be. Hence spaces for prayer were available, an important spiritual aspect. We heard of those deployed to the Falkland Islands who upon encountering a military memorial may find an old ammunition box. It was empty save that of a cloth and some polish. They were then invited to clean up the memorial but then ‘spend a moment’. Regardless of their spirituality, spending that moment to pause and reflect is a special moment of ‘prayer’.

There were areas of artwork created by deacons which highlighted their talents but also their perspective of encounters in a very special and personal manner. I’m very grateful to Deacon Jon for the cover picture – he’s an incredible artist and imaginative videographer. We could also see the ‘blanket’ curated during Covid by so many people, which many of us in Strathclyde saw when Deacon Sue gave her presentation last year.

The point
Although being present in a such a large gathering may not resonate with all, especially after Covid and all the face-to-face restrictions, it has given the Diaconate, those deacons of the Methodist Diaconal Order, a moment of renewed identity. That reflection upon their calling to ministry through service; that focus upon prayer and being; and acknowledging that they follow a Rule of Life which does not restrict them in the world, but allows that opportunity to flourish. It is life affirming.
I found the dialogue interesting