In our journey through Mark’s Gospel we often feel the pace of life, the immediacy of everything. There’s not a pause, even time for Jesus to have a cuppa – but then again, possibly in the passage Mark 6:30-34 and Mark 6:53-56 there is. What is it saying to us today? Can I be?

The author of Mark’s Gospel often separates two stories and sandwiches them together. Remember the Jairus’s daughter story (Mark 5: 21-43) which had the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years in the middle? There Jairus is mentioned, we jump to the woman’s story, and then return back to Jairus. It’s called the Markan Sandwich.
What’s been happening?
Well the disciples had been gathered together (Mark 6:7) and sent out, two by two to minister to the people in the vicinity. They have returned now, and have they got some stories to tell!
What’s our story? It doesn’t have to be earth shattering – in fact those stories deeply grounded in reality often resonate most strongly with people.
These disciples are excited. “Who is going first?”
“Pick me, Pick Me”
Jesus notes that they are so busy focussed about what they have been doing, they have lost their focus on why… The Church can also really focus upon: ‘bums on seats’, ‘the money in the offertory’, the ‘hits’ on the weekly online worship video. Can I be?
Is it about the importance of being faithful not successful?
Jesus takes them away, to find some respite from their to-ing and fro-ing: so it’s back to the boat. You might wonder whether the disciples thought “Oh No, not the boat again…every time we are in this we go to somewhere inhospitable or there’s rough weather….” Perhaps this time they have learnt about what Jesus taught them on that boat ride into the storm. Perhaps it is recalling all of those times when God has kept us safe throughout all those storms in the past, where our faith has subsequently increased?

The disciples take some rest and recuperation time, R & R as I used to know it in the military. We might call it a ‘Duvet Day’ today. Where we can find ourselves that time and space to be re-energised. Here, can I be?
It is in moments like this that we may learn ‘to be’, ‘not do’.
That doesn’t mean that we do nothing, just that we can reflect on what is happening and realise that there is more than we can ever do: being in God’s presence may be far more profitable. Jesus did it all of the time, but we focus upon his active ministry.
Perhaps it isn’t an either or but an and?
We see it in the media, in different countries, from different political leaders. It’s not what might be good for the people bt what could make the individual popular with the voters. Is that what democracy is about?
The people flocked to Jesus and the disciples. They saw something different and wanted a piece of the action. They wanted to be physically changed, materially affected – and what’s not to like about that? However, Jesus was offering / is offering far more than that. Jesus offers us a holistic change.
And now?

The Church has faced some huge decisions and will continue to face many more. The numbers of members continues to dwindle albeit they are those whom attend Church, not those whom follow online. It’s a bit like labelling groups as Protestants and Catholics, many of whom never set foot in a Church – but who are we to speak of their faith?
We could just face the music and dance – we certainly can’t sing as yet. But before we do that we need to take stock: both individually and corporately. We need to give ourselves that time and space – as did the disciples – to re-find themselves, ourselves. I’m thinking spiritually more than materially. We need to be ready to get started with those acts of compassion Jesus speaks of in this passage. It’s not a time where we sit back and let others get on with it: this is a time of preparedness where we may well find that opportunity to help another is there, right in front of us.
Many of the disciples were fishermen, they gave their all in their new ‘trade’ of being a disciple. How prepared are we? Can I be?
For those in vocational ministry – ministers – where do we go ‘to be’?
I have got refreshed from the word and I read it and the bible reading for that day every morning and I enjoy it it takes you all over the bible and that gospel too
Excellent. Thank you for your comment which will encourage many others