As we will soon depart here, I felt it would be good to reflect back on the people, the groups that I have encountered in chronological order. If you know of them perhaps you could add a message of greeting and encouragement.
So, from September 2018, here are my blessings:
September 2018
Blessed are:
Emily and Tammy, as I was introduced to the Babies & Toddlers Group (known affectionally as BATS) which meets in church (normally); for the moments of joy playing with the children and listening to the parents.

Helen and Harvey, whom I met up with the local LGBTQ group, hearing of their thoughts and feelings; for they know that they are loved.

Mary, Estelle and the team, including Nadeem and the members of the Mosque, who organised the Incredible Edible Harvest Festival on Pollination Street: for they certainly know how to do radical hospitality.

Sail Suleman, the Calderdale Interfaith Officer, as Todmorden was the focus for the Borough’s Interfaith Walk this year: for it was great to explain how Methodism, and other faiths, were established here in this valley.

October 2018
Blessed are:
Deborah and Tracy, from Healthy Minds, who facilitate the great sessions every month, linking people and organisation together within Todmorden; for they never stop helping and caring for folk.
Mary Clear and the IE team at the ‘Pointy Thing’ for the wonderfully generous lunch; their compassion for others seems endless.

Pat, Meg and Paul Blakey, of Street Angels, as we started Calderdale Chaplains in Todmorden.
those that permitted time off so our family could attend the service in Lincoln for my Father.
November 2018
Blessed are:
those whom could attend the Transgender Day of Remembrance service, coming from Lancashire, Keighley and beyond. May they know peace, and that they are loved.

Nadeem Mir and the Imaam, Waseem, at the local Mosque, for their welcome at the Friday prayers.

December 2018
Blessed are:
Alex Boyle, all at Age Concern Todmorden, for Nadeem and his wife, Sajida, the members of the Mosque (again) with the Christmas Lunch; what a community we live within.

January 2019
Blessed are:
those at Roomfield Baptist Church and David Prescott of Todwell/Calderdale Recovery Steps, for allowing us to start a 12 week Soup Offering; may those who ate, had a cuppa and/or talked felt loved.

February 2019
Blessed are:
Tania, Diana, Jason (who was over here from Missouri working at Weirs) and Nick Franchini, as we started Todmorden Faith with a discussion on “Same Sex Marriage“; for in Tod Faith they had the courage to step out and do something new.

May we continue to seek to dialogue, and build longer tables for all to sit and be nourished.
Kate Auker from Barnardo’s and Calderdale LGBTQ Partnership, for the support provided since then, and the overwhelming compassion shown to all in her care. May she know of that love also.
Sue and Hannah, from Pushing Up Daisies (who would have thought of this except in Todmorden!), who introduced me to such different perspectives about death and how to prepare for end of life.

those at White Windows Care Home, where I meet with God every time I go.
March 2019
Blessed are:
Revd Nancy, for going with me to Todmorden Market and offering ‘Ashing to Go” to all whom we met; may people always love the glitter!

Lindsay and Rebecca, for welcoming me to support their Death Café initiative. May they continue to bring peace and calm to those struggling with end of life.
April 2019
Blessed are:
those at the Calderdale Mosques, and Halifax Minster, for welcoming all faiths together as we remembered, with sadness, the tragedies in Christchurch, New Zealand, and Sri Lanka.
Pat, Meg and Ansa, for having the conviction to break away and form Todmorden Interfaith Chaplains, one of the few interfaith retail chaplaincies in the UK. May Meg and Ansa continue to be blessed as they lead this group onwards, may Pat, Kate, Rita and Myra be blessed as they love the person in front of them.

in Honest John’s and the Betting Shop
Finn, from Together We Grow, for the bringing together of the community to learn Arabic Cooking in the Church, melding faith groups as one. May the bonds of community be always stronger than those who wish to break them apart.
May 2019
Blessed are:
Holly, from Folklore, Myth and Magic, who, after we received a complaint about her stall, enthralled me with her stories – which led her to speak in August at Todmorden Faith.

the amazing Pushing Up Daisies team for the sheer variety of activities and joy, yes joy, in the festival. For allowing Nadeem and myself to discuss ‘What is a Good death?‘

the Mayoral team for the invite to dine with the ‘good and the great’ at the Town Hall; may they and all whom follow in the footsteps know of wisdom and the courage to lead.
Patrick and Louisa, from Tod Tidy Up, for their passion in keeping this wonderful town clean, fresh from unnecessary litter. May we all have such enthusiasm to keep this creation so beautiful.

Summer 2019
Blessed are:
those who celebrated Pride both in Hebden Bridge and Halifax; for Revd Kevin Barnard and myself representing the clergy.

Kate Auker, for the training to both the staff at Kava and Honest John’s in Todmorden, so they would be ‘safe(r) spaces for LGBTQI folk’.

and that’s only the first year!
Some names have been omitted as they relate to funerals. Blessed are those families who permit others to support them at their time of such vulnerability.
Of course in 2020, the Corona Virus struck: lives were changed.
Autumn 2019
Blessed are:
those who support us, as we saw when the Todmorden Interfaith Chaplains journeyed to Warrington, to make links with the MITE Chaplains in Liverpool and St Helens.

those who attended the Blue Christmas services, because Christmas, commercialised and expensive, can drive expectations above what is possible.

those who have journeyed with us as part of the What If groups, new communities which look to support each other, linked by faith.
those at Affirm in Oldham, for teaching us it could all be so different in Church.

the Churches Together in Todmorden for moving out of the building and singing carols outside Morrison’s (thank you to Helen Stott, their Manager, for permitting us)

Spring 2020
Despite the Covid19 Lockdown, the town surpassed itself as usual.
Blessed are:
Robin, Caroline, Tilly, and the rest of the Your Tod Squad team, its numerous volunteers, and the Town’s kindness.

those who attended or supported those ‘breaking the fast‘ during Ramadan at the Virtual Community Iftar, led by Nadeem Mir – of course via Zoom.

We leave Todmorden in the Summer, thoroughly enjoying our time in the town, with this lovely welcoming community.
We are off to Glasgow in early August.
Blessed are Beacon Bob and Mandy. Thank you.