This week we are looking at a famous passage, where Jesus is on a hill speaking to a multitude of people, where the only negative comment in the Monty Python ‘Life of Brian’ film was “Speak up!” Can you recall what the passage was about? You see, I think it was not Voter ID but Church ID. This one, or is it truly us? The Beatitudes in Matthew 5:1-10 is so well known. I even write one about a group of people in West Yorkshire. But is it about our attitude or our identity?

When at Christmas we speak of a baby born into poverty in a stable, what happens afterwards? Are those wonderful nativity scenes merely images and not a call for action? When we think what a Ukrainian might feel after nigh on a year of being attacked. What might it mean to be poor for them? Is it the lack of material goods, well ones they can power? Maybe mourning is about the grief expressed for loved ones, lost over the past 11 or so months. When we hear such a passage we might try to hear the words and put them into our 21st C context, into our understanding – should we do that? Perhaps it is their context we need to understand…
“the Beatitudes are about changing me, not changing other people.”
Richard Rohr
Imagine you are standing on a windswept hillside
A blue lake shimmers below and the blue sky beckons above. OK, so not Glasgow…There is Jesus talking amongst his disciples – nothing odd there but around the disciples are throngs of other people eagerly listening in – for this is explosive stuff. It is our identity being declared.
Our reading

Ok, why three colours? Did we notice the change in tense? The first and the last verses, the bookends, say what was happening will be changed, there will be a transformation – they will receive the Kingdom of Heaven – recall that Matthew is not really allowed to say the word God, so whereas in Luke’s Gospel he can get away with it, to the Jewish ear, Heaven will do.
The verses in the middle, keep saying that it shall happen, one day, eventually, but perhaps not just yet.
So, before we venture forth to examine those beatitudes , what does beatitude mean? It certainly isn’t just being happy, it is far more than that. Jesus uses the term ‘Blessed’ to question who we want to be like. ‘Blessed’ refers to people who those people you’d like to aspire to be like. As usual, Jesus turns the tables on normality – if you were expecting blessed are the rich and comfortable – this could be uncomfortable listening. So if he was changing people, was it their attitude or our identity?
They that mourn – not for a particular person, but for the world, those who feel grief and loss for those across our world. Our Ukrainian family might mourn for the state of the world as they can see it. We might mourn for the world as we doomscroll on our phones, or watch 24 hour rolling news coverage. We might mourn when we contemplate how far we are from the fullness of God’s kingdom. They shall be comforted.
Those that are meek, not timid or dare not say boo to anyone, not being a holy doormat, but “those who are aware of their identity as the oppressed of God in the world, those who have renounced the violent methods of this-worldly power.” Oh they shall inherit the Earth – what do you think the Earth might mean?
Those that are hungry and thirsty, but for what? (Psalm 37:9, 11) Yes, for the common good, not satisfied with the status quo (nor the band)… And are righteous (that is actively doing the will of God – really important in Matthew’s Gospel as he keeps on mentioning it, far more than any other Gospel writer or group of writers. They shall be filled with that desire for the kin_dom of God.
Perceptions altered?
So our understanding or this passage just might have been altered when we see that it doesn’t talk about mourning for a loved one but far greater than that, when it doesn’t talk about being quiet and serene but they’ll eventually inherit the Earth, and those that desire change, so that the will of God be accepted will find fulfilment.
More into the future
Our next 3 future beatitudes are:
Those that are merciful, that is seeking acts of mercy not an attitude of mercy, those who demonstrably show compassion, they shall obtain mercy eventually.
Those that are pure in heart, (Psalm 24:3-4), that is focussed upon God, those that are characterised by openness, sincerity, they shall see God. It’s an inner transformation which allows us to become closer to God. Recall what one person said about prayer:

Those who are the cheesemakers, sorry that was from the Monty Python film, those that are peacemakers…wow the bridge builders, the architects of peace between warring factions, between groups of people which are disagree vehemently with each other, between families who are separated by culture, religion, even traditional sectarian divides, those that will endeavour to be the difference, they’ll be called the sons of God. OK, in the context of the passage in Matthew’s day this was strong stuff. It may not mean much to us today, but to call anyone the son of God was to say that you were the Roman Emperor, for that was a title they gave themselves. They achieved ‘peace’ through force and domination. So being a peacemaker required strong inner strength – just like now.
So exemplifying mercy in situations, seeing a different side, shall find that mercy will be evident, eventually. Those that are desperate to know the mind of God, to pause and rest with God, will find God. And those that take that stand, be in the crosshairs of no man’s land will be one of the sons of God. But all eventually.
What of those two verses which acted as bookends (verse 1 and 8)

Those that are poor in spirit are those who are literally poor and facing the devastating impact of poverty, not just externally, but in their very being. not materially, not financially, those that struggle to focus upon God, they WILL be received in the Kin_dom of Heaven. Not eventually, now, then. Those that are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, theirs WILL be the Kin_dom of God.
We pray for others and ourselves
Amazing God, we rest with you. Your Church wherever we are, pause to be in communion with you. We are restless about certain situations in our world, your world.
The situation in Russia and Ukraine rumbles onwards, nearing the first anniversary. We seek peace, meaningful discussions to prevent further carnage on the battlefield, to stop the breaking up of families on both sides where loved ones are lost, families separated and suffering misery. There has to be an end to this war. If we can’t put it into words, our whole bodies ache.
The plight of so many who are struggling with the increase in the cost of living, high inflation rates which translate into decisions whether to heat or eat, being able to pay the rent or go elsewhere, or even to try to take further employment in addition to the current workload. Are these the ones who are poor in spirit, unable to see you Lord because of the trauma of today? May they see you in the eyes of others, may they see it today.
The world seems to be in turmoil in more ways than one: the climate seems topsy turvy. One day the temperatures are excessively high in some places whereas in others there are new records for how cold it is. We mourn for your Earth, we mourn for those whose income will disappear due to these changes, where their whole land may disappear under water. May they be comforted as they seek your presence.
And we offer what is on our own hearts this day: for those near or far from us, which we want God to know of…
What is God saying to us about these situations? Where might we be part of God’s solution?
Lord, we leave this with you, trusting in you. Amen
Richard Rohr
It was Richard Rohr who said
“the Beatitudes are about changing me, not changing other people.”
Richard Rohr
Wonderfully, it is not about being right anymore. Who can fully do the Beatitudes “right”? It is about being in right relationship, which is a very different agenda.” So was it our attitude or our identity which needs the changed? It’s about our true identity in the kingdom of God.