Could this be Church today for the 0-100 age gap?
There are some lovely models of Church. Yes, these are good but relate to the past, the way it was.

We are looking at how the Church could be. There are more than three models but here is a flavour of them currently – warning they evolve. As we grow older we might expect the Church to develop also.
Models or Ways of being Church
- There was the attraction model. Here, people would desire to come to Church. It may be because of the preaching or the singing. This was the time when the faith of many people meant so much that they wanted to be in church every Sunday or even more often. But it has moved and developed over the years.
- There was the missional model. In this case, the church would leave the safe confines of the building and meet up with others and bring them back not to the safety, the sanctuary of the Church. This was known as outreach – it may still do. It sounds to me as if we are reaching out and pulling people out of the ‘river’ to the safety of the net.
- The other model is the incarnation model. Here the church are the people. They integrate within the society. This is the analogy of the manure, sorry the good soil which feeds the plot. Eventually we are unable to recognise where the manure pellets are because they have become part of the society, changing the soil around them. Here the building is not an intrinsic part of the model. It could well be, but it is not vital. But what about worship?

In the Liquid Church description of Church the use of a Third Space might be useful, a cafe for example.

But, today, with Covid restrictions this isn’t an option. Well at least for a few months;
however, it may be a good way of blessing the local economy when we do eventually emerge from this pandemic.
As we grow older we might expect the Church to develop also. Our Church has been transformed into the Virtual Church over the past year. Some have anecdotally said that the Church has moved more in the last few months than centuries before. Digitally, it has made great strides to develop its ways to reach far more people. Folk can now partake of worship, experience what worship might look like in the comfort of their living rooms, their bedrooms, whilst relaxing in their onesie or pyjamas – I haven’t actually asked.
Where’s God?
In Theology Everywhere the point was made that despite the lack of the Church the answer was there in the Bible (Colossians 1.15-20).
Christ our Space is the key to theology everywhere and always. The locative ‘Christ’ expressions in the New Testament run into hundreds: life in Christ, growing into Christ, Christ formed in you…..
Christ our Space
by Neil Richardson, Theology Everywhere blog
As we grow older we might expect the Church to develop also. Perhaps rather than critique the decision to temporarily close Churches, we have such a moment to reflect on the possibilities of how we adapt, the mechanisms we are now able to use to contact others about the Love of God, and to whom do we make contact with.
Some Options
Can churches without the informational technology move closer to those who can, so that we as a church are as one?
Do we find new ways of ensuring that the message we have to give is received in an inclusive manner?
There is the transcript, shorter than the actual service, in bullet points so it is easily read and digested, with points and questions to facilitate further conversation or consideration.
There is the YouTube service which can be watched anonymously, at any time, anywhere, for years to come.

There is the use of Zoom, Insta, Twitter and Facebook to allow different age demographics to find something of interest. Albeit that the message may have to be delivered in a contextual manner. Each has its own intrinsic way of giving opportunity to allow the other to engage, to participate.
And what of podcasts? Short snappy bursts for those who seek to use audio as their landscape. Pivot is my current favourite: what’s yours?
Bottom line, or well nearly bottom…
But the one Church doesn’t need to cater for 0-100 years of age – they could work together to meet the needs of their community and the local churches? That’s not so radical, is it?
Any thoughts?
Cover Photo from ‘Want to attract young families to your church? ‘