You are Almighty God.

a Benevolent God

You are a Caring creative can-do God.

In all we do may we become a Devoted servant.

May we use our Ears to hear you Lord.

Help us to Forgive others and you forgive us.

Thank you for God’s Grace.

May we know our Heavenly Father’s love at all times.

All scripture is Inspired by God, may we hear your words.

As we Journey on life’s road may your presence be always with us Lord Jesus.

May we show Kindness to all of God’s people, help us to meet the needs of others.

Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us now and always

Praise and glorify his great and Majestic name always.

Obey the word of the Lord and love your Neighbour.

We all have the Obligation to love the Lord God with all our heart and might.

We pray for your People Lord, may we hold them before you, you know their every needs

Lord in these difficult days please bless us with some Quiet time to focus on you and your world.

Rejoice in all that your Lord God has done for you.

Lord keeps us safe from all hidden dangers, and all deadly diseases, keep us covered under your wings.

Teach us your ways help us to be the people you want us to be.

Keep us United in you O Lord.

When we look at the cross let us see Victory, Victory over death and sin.

Help us to Walk in your footsteps so we may all be children of God.

Lord give us X-ray vision that we may see the needs of this world and the courage to speak out.

Now is the time to give Yourself to the Lord open Your Ears to
Listen, Your eyes to see him and most of all Your heart to receive him.

No matter what age we are, give us the Zest for life and give thanks to God for each new day.
The Alphabet Prayer was written by Pat Hopgood from the Derby Methodist District.
The fonts were from here.
A short description of the history of Advent is here