To initiate thought and discussion; drawn from Stephen Cottrell’s Walking Backwards to Christmas:
Elizabeth is speaking :
“I have always been waiting. My friends were always far more cleverer, more confident than I was. They got married early, my marriage didn’t contain much joy, my life never really started. I have so many regrets. I suppose ‘if only’ is my mantra.
Zech, as I call him, wanted to get on with his priestly duties, he’s so focussed. No children was a real issue. Why? People point at me.
Now we walk parallel lives, unfulfilled. So many others had great numerous families, I had a spare tyre. Yes, I was healthy but something deep inside me was conspicuously missing.
So I supported Zech as best I could, making sure the house was tidy etc. But inside of me was aching. Often I’d. explode at those who speculated why I was without child. It affected my whole being.
An angel appeared to Zech when he was on duty. He wrote everything down: I was to be with child, he was to be called John – I didn’t even get to name him but at least I was to have a child, and he was to be special.
My body erupted. Zech wasn’t entirely convinced – it wasn’t focussed upon him, more so that he was now struck dumb.
Months passed by and I started to swell. In my 5th month my cousin Mary popped around, John started to kick. I was so amazingly proud. Mary was bounding with joy and energy, she was the Rose of Sharon. We were both really confused but amazed at what had happened. we just embraced and laughed and sang. When darkness fell, nothing was dark for me now. There is life in my belly. A fire is burning and the light from which will never be extinguished.”
Possible Questions
Does it have to be totally realistic?
What parts do we struggle with?
Where is hope here for you?
It was very interesting